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Galatians PT 2 3:15-18

Writer's picture: known2bknownknown2bknown

The Law and The Promise.

How then do we make sense of Faith and deeds? That is the question ultimately, right? If by Faith we are saved, then how does the law come into play? Shouldn't the two coexist? I think this is one of the reasons we are so easily persuaded back into lifestyles of traditions and expectations and guidelines, because, it makes sense that if we acquire something from God, it's up to us to keep it or be good enough to receive it (that whole notion of "not being qualified"). That's why the law (morality, tradition, religion, etc) is enslaving- to live according to expectation is to be measured by your performance. Yet, that is why the GOSPEL IS SUCH GOOD NEWS! I am free in the victory of Christ and now live by faith and relationship SO THAT what I do now is not from performance- I'm no longer doing things to prove myself to God but now I do them as a demonstration of love for my God. Understand? As a Jesus-follower I no longer do things to prove, qualify, justify, etc my identity, I do all the good things FROM my identity established in Jesus....they are the NATURAL fruit of my new nature.

I have this written in my Bible next to these verses. It is quote by Napoleon:

"The object of war is victory, but the object of victory is occupation".

I remember writing this down while listening to Kris Vallotton preach. I also remember feeling bad about writing it because it didn't have to do anything with Galatians, but it was the closest thing to me to write down such an important quote. THIS is an example of the Lord speaking in my life. Sometimes, I find I will be nudged to do something I don't realize is actually Him speaking until He reveals.....

I'm wrecked in revelation of this moment and what God is showing me now, let me explain why.

The war between good and evil, death and life, sin and love- that war was won by our Lord. Jesus proclaimed victory over all these things and then gave us the victory in Himself. This victory, however, becomes received and lived and demonstrated in our lives to the DEGREE to which we occupy it and allow the TRUTH to set us free and keep us free as we move (God-willing) from glory to glory becoming more and more like Jesus ourselves.

So, if the object of war is victory and the enemy already knows he's defeated, then wouldn't it make sense to do everything he can to keep us from occupying what is ours?

Wouldn't it make sense that there would be an attempt to get us to willingly submit ourselves to the bondage that we were freed from- so that- we wouldn't step into the fullness of the victory?

How easy it would be to use the familiar to persuade the once-captives back into a lifestyle of slavery all on the hinges of human acceptance?

Solomon laments in Ecclesiastes that "there is no new thing under the sun". This revolution through and around the letter to the Galatian church is such a thing. An old experience that has become relevant once again.


The OCCUPATION of Jesus in your life- that was what the victory was for. The sustaining relationship and occupation of Him that would change us and the world around us. That this would demonstrate the Kingdom that we are from, here on this earth. The OCCUPATION of heaven. He does, indeed, now occupy us!


Paul is SO good with words. It is amazing to me how Holy Spirit would utilize language thousands of years ago in a way that when certain things would come back around we would recognize, understand and be able to learn from- even in our own time period.

In this next part of his letter, he uses an everyday example to shed light on the truth of the Gospel:

Galatians 3:15-18

To give a human example, brothers: even with a manmade covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many, but referring to one, "And to your offspring," who is Christ. This is what I mean: the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise.

Think about it. If you have a contractual agreement in the business world. That legal document is binding. The word "ratify" means to give formal consent making something officially valid. Paul is pointing out that the INITIAL covenant between God and Abraham is important. That covenant was established by a PROMISE not the law (which would be established 430 years afterward!). God came to Abraham and made agreement with him based on a promise and Abraham's faith for God to carry it out. There were no expectations, prerequites or guidelines that were contingent upon the covenant being ratified. Therefore, being that God established His covenant to Abraham and his offspring by A PROMISE.....folllow me, God put ALLLLL of the expectation on Himself.

If you go back and read this portion of scripture in Genesis 15, you will see where this all takes place. After the Lord makes his promise, Abraham asks God for reassurance. So, the Lord has Abraham construct a covenental ceremony. However, these ceremonies were prepared for both parties entering into covenant to walk in between the separated animals in a demonstration of each person's commitment (with their life) to the agreement. The Lord, knowing that Abraham could not enter into such a covenant being a man (and a man before Jesus- so, sinful in nature)-- put Abraham into a deep sleep and proceeded to walk through the covenant alone in representation of both God and man. This fire pot and torch being the way He symbolically chose to establish His promise. I would suggest that the imagery that God chose is quite reminiscent of His words in Zechariah 4:6, "Not by might or by power, but by my Spirit." God would establish His covenant by a promise that was guaranteed by Him alone and given to Abraham through faith that one day his offspring, Jesus Christ, would fulfill the covenant as fully man (offspring of Abraham) and fully God (pure, without blemish) giving us the ability to occupy this world with heaven as new creations in Him. This having nothing to do with anything we've done, but only reliant on His victory.

Only reliant on HIS VICTORY--His work.

The inheritance (salvation) comes by the initial covenant which has been ratified by Faith.

Oh what an amazing thing!

The Gospel is only received and occupied by FAITH.


Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can possibly ask for or imagine according to His power at work within us. Eph 3:20


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